Trailing Arbutus

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Gift Box T - 1917
Gift Box T (Trailing Arbutus)
Set contains: one Two ounce bottle of Trailing Arbutus Toilet Water; one bottle of Trailing Arbutus
Sachet Powder; and one can of Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder
OSP (in 1916): ..... $1.25

Trailing Arbutus Threesome Set
Set contains: one Two ounce bottle of Trailing Arbutus Toilet Water; one bottle of Trailing Arbutus
Sachet Powder; and one can of Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder
OSP (in 1923): ..... $1.85

Trailing Arbutus Sextette Set
Set contains: one Trailing Arbutus Vanishing Cream; one Trailing Arbutus Cold Cream; 
one can Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder; one Trailing Arbutus Face Powder; 
and two cakes of Trailing Arbutus Vegetable Oils Soap
OSP (in 1925): ..... $1.59

Trailing Arbutus Sextette Set Outer Box
~Probably 1924-1925
Note: The catalog pictures (above and below) show the Trailing Arbutus shield in the upper right hand corner of both boxes,
however, this shield is printed in the middle of the Sextette box.

Trailing Arbutus Sextette Set
Set contains: one Trailing Arbutus Vanishing Cream; one Trailing Arbutus Cold Cream; 
one can Trailing Arbutus Talcum Powder; one Trailing Arbutus Face Powder; 
and two cakes of Trailing Arbutus Vegetable Oils Soap
Note: The above set is missing one cake of soap
OSP (in 1927): ..... $1.60

Footnotes:   OSP: Original Selling Price

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