
Lavender Fragrance Jar
Set Contains: Eight ounce bottle of Fragrance Jar Liquid,
eight ounces of Fragrance Cubes, and the glass Fragrance Jar (shown above)
(in 1915): ..... $2.50
Sold separately:
Ounce: ..... $1.25 Cubes, Eight Ounce: ..... 75¢ Fragrance Jar: .....
75¢ Note: According to
the 1915 CPC catalog, the measurements of the jar were 6 3/4
inches high and 4 1/2 inches wide.

American Beauty Fragrance Jar
Set Contains: Four ounce bottle of Fragrance Jar Liquid,
four ounces of Fragrance Cubes, and the glass Fragrance Jar (shown above)
(in 1923): ..... $2.95
Sold separately:
Four Ounce: ..... 96¢ Cubes, Four Ounce: ..... 48¢
Fragrance Jar:
..... $1.55 Note: Exact
measurements were not found for this Fragrance Jar, however, its
capacity was touted as eight ounces. |