Dental Products
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California Tooth Tablet
OSP (in 1898): ..... 25¢
California Tooth Tablet
Note: Below the words "New York" on
the tin's face, the 1906 Food and Drug Act information is missing. OSP (in 1903):
..... 25¢
California Tooth Tablet
~1907-1922 (One ounce bottle shown)
Note: The 1906 Food and Drug Act
information is now present under the words "New York" on the
tin's face. OSP (in 1908):
..... 25¢

Tooth Tablet ~1923-1930
OSP (in 1924): ..... 36¢

Avon Tooth Tablet ~1931-1936
OSP (in 1936): ..... 36¢

Avon Tooth Tablet
OSP (in 1937): ..... 36¢

California Tooth Wash ~1899-Probably
OSP (in 1899): ..... 25¢

California Tooth Wash ~Probably 1907-1910
OSP (in 1908): ..... 25¢

California Tooth Wash ~1910-1920
OSP (in 1914): ..... 25¢

California Tooth Wash ~1920-1923
OSP (in 1921): ..... 33¢

California Tooth Wash ~1923-1925
OSP (in 1925): ..... 33¢

California Medicated Tooth Powder
OSP (in 1903): ..... 25¢
Note: Extremely Rare

California Medicated Tooth Powder ~1908
OSP (in 1908): ..... 25¢
Note: the illustration is from the
1908 CP catalog; the CP trademark on the label was probably
never actually used.

C P Tooth Powder ~1909-1925
OSP (in 1909): ..... 25¢

Tooth Powder Trial Size ~1911-1925
The trial size tin was provided free to customers AND was sold
as part of the 1911-1915 Juvenile Set

Tooth Powder Tins (Trial and Regular Size Comparisons)
C P Tooth Powder ~1908-1925
OSP (in 1915): ..... 25¢

Pyrox Tooth Powder ~1925-1930
OSP (in 1929): ..... 35¢

Pyrox Tooth Powder ~1931-1935
OSP (in 1933): ..... 36¢
Pyrox Tooth Powder ~1936-1939
OSP (in 1939): ..... 36¢
Smoker's Tooth Powder
OSP (in 1918): ..... 50¢

Smoker's Tooth Powder ~1920-1924
OSP (in 1922): ..... 48¢

Smoker's Tooth Powder ~1925-1931
OSP (in 1929): ..... 50¢
 Smoker's Tooth Powder ~1932-1935
OSP (in 1933): ..... 51¢

Smoker's Tooth Powder ~1936-1939
OSP (in 1939): ..... 51¢

Smoker's Tooth Powder Trial Size Tins ~1936-1939
OSP: Original Selling Price
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