Cleaners and Laundry Items
CP Products

California Carpet Renovator
~Probably 1895 to early-1900's
large cake of soap)
OSP (in
1896): ..... 35¢
Graciously Contributed by Peggy Snyder from
the Leonard Talys Collection
 California Carpet Renovator
to 1910 (One large cake of soap)
OSP (in
1906): ..... 35¢
 California Carpet Renovator
~1910-1921 (One large cake of soap)
OSP (in
1915): ..... 35¢

E Z Maid Easy Cleaner
half-pound cakes of soap)
OSP (in
1925): ..... 33¢
 Avon Powdered Cleaner
~1928-1931 Sizes shown:
12 Ounce box, Regular size (L) and 3 Ounce, Trial size (R)
OSP (in
1929): ..... 25¢

Avon Powdered Cleaner
OSP (in
1932): ..... 35¢

Avon Perfection Powdered Cleaner
OSP (in
1938): ..... 35¢

Starch Dressing Sample Pack
~October 1911 (Contents: Three Starch Dressing
Tablets) Note: Depot Managers received one
Starch Dressing Sample Pack for each
piece ordered from October 9 through November 9, 1911.

Starch Dressing ~1911-1914
tablets per box)
OSP (in
1912): ..... 25¢

Starch Dressing ~1915-1925
tablets per box) Note: Label
identifies both Montreal and San Francisco, dating this item
between 1914 and 1922.
OSP (in
1917): ..... 25¢

Starch Dressing ~1926-1931
tablets per box)
OSP (in
1927): ..... 33¢ |
 Starch Dressing ~1934-1939
(L) ~1932-1933 (R)
OSP (in
1934): ..... 35¢ |

Naphtha Laundry Crystals
crystals per box)
OSP (in
1912): ..... 25¢

Naphtha Laundry Crystals
~1915-1925 (Thirteen
crystals per box) Note: The labels
on both boxes
identified both Montreal and San Francisco, dating these items
between 1914 and 1922.
OSP (in
1917): ..... 25¢

Naphtha Laundry Crystals
~1926-1931 (Thirteen
crystals per box)
OSP (in
1927): ..... 33¢

Perfection Laundry Crystals
OSP (in
1934): ..... 25¢
OSP: Original Selling Price