Catalogs and Brochures
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![]() General Agent Mrs. I. O. Lewis ~1916 Showing her grandchildren the new CPC Color Plate catalog. |
The Color Plate Catalogs:
Introduced to the Depot Managers some time in the later part of 1915, these full-color lithographed catalogs illustrated virtually all of the company's standard- or regular-sized products—with many of the products represented in their actual- or true-size. The conversion from the smaller black and white CPC Book catalogs (see previous page) to these significantly larger Color Plate catalogs was a phenomenal business decision that paid huge dividends of greatly increased sales, even through World War I and the exorbitantly higher costs incurred by the California Perfume Company. Interestingly, CPC Outlook articles from the 1915 to 1917 period suggest that it took quite a long time—possibly upwards of two years (my guesstimate)—to place one of these Color Plate catalogs in the hands of each and every company representative throughout the United States and Canada.
Dating of the Color Plates can be a little tricky at times, however there are many "indicators" that help a person reach a fairly good conclusion as to the year of their CPC catalog treasure.
A quick overview of the progression of the catalogs: The earliest Color Plate catalogs apparently were envisioned to be more of a supplement to the smaller CPC Book catalogs: the hallmarks of the CPC Representatives' kit for two previous decades. In the May 1916 CPC Outlook, the company announced that, "[o]wing to the European War, the paper market is demoralized. Some grades of paper are impossible to obtain and other kinds are prohibitively high in price. Until the paper market becomes normal, therefore, we will be compelled to discontinue the distribution of the small catalogs, "The C P C Book," to customers. Our Sales Managers and General Agents will of course be supplied right along, the same as heretofore. We have a reserve quantity for this purpose on hand. As every article in the line is illustrated in the Color Plate Catalog, the need for small catalog distributions to customers is practically unnecessary." And herein begins the review of the Color Plate catalogs:
The first variation is hard-covered, with forty color-plate pages of drawn product illustrations, and bound with two "exposed" screws. The screw-binding was quite innovative because it facilitated the easy removal of old/outdated pages and the quick addition of new/updated material—all accomplished without requiring the replacement of the entire catalog. The earliest versions of the Color Plates contained only pictures and prices of the CPC goods (see below). The smaller CPC Book catalogs were to be taken along by the representative to provide any necessary product descriptions. As noted above, the war in Europe caused the price of the paper to sky-rocket, and consequently the CPC Book catalog was discontinued in its then-present form. The 1917-1919 Color Plates then added un-numbered leaves "in-between" the forty color-plate pages (see below). These "in-between" leaves/pages were for product descriptions and prices, thus negating the requirement for the smaller CPC Book catalog by the representative.
One additional note concerns the proud display of the Panama-Pacific Exposition Gold Medal awarded to the California Perfume Company in San Francisco, California on 14 June, 1915 for quality of goods, display, and artistic design on its perfumes, toilet articles, and extracts. Located on the inside of the Color Plate catalog's front cover, an illustration depicted the Gold Medal's front and rear panel designs (see below). Owing to production timelines, the 1915 and 1916 catalogs were issued without the Gold Medal on the inside front covers. Included with the January 1917 CPC Outlook, was a reproduction of the Gold Medal (see below) set on black paper that was to be affixed to the center of the inner front cover of the Color Plate catalogs. Later Color Plates, 1918 and 1919 were distributed with the Gold Medal already printed on the inner cover AND the Panama-Pacific Exposition Gold Medal Award certificate became the catalogs' last page. Subsequent Color Plate catalogs, 1920 through 1929, discontinued the Gold Medal illustration on the back of the front cover, preferring to retain the Award certificate as the catalogs' last page.
The Color Plate catalogs produced between 1920 and 1923 were also hardcover and contained 34 to 36 pages with the "in-between" leaves now numbered to correspond to the color-plate page they described (e.g., both color-plate page and "in-between" leaf are numbered with the same number, 1 and 1, 2 and 2 up though 33 or 35) The last page of the Color Plate catalog is always the Panama-Pacific Gold Medal Award Certificate. Other than products, the primary difference from the 1915-1919 catalogs is that the 1920-1923 catalogs are bound by staples, precluding the "easy" switch-out of pages.
For the 1924 to 1929 Color Plate catalogs, the California Perfume Company made a superior innovation by changing the hardcover exterior for soft cover vinyl. This marvel step greatly aided the representatives carrying these larger catalogs: a definite weight and space savings! Like the 1920-1923 Color Plates, these catalogs contained approximately 34 pages with corresponding "in-between" product description/pricing leaves. Rather than stapling, these catalogs were bound with two permanent rivets. Changes to these catalogs required the purchase of a new catalog. Click here for further information about the Color Plate catalogs.
Lastly, one of the most important factors in determining the specific issue year of a Color Plate catalog involves the products. Changes in the California Perfume Company's fragrance line over the years as well as the addition and discontinuance of various products helps quite a lot! Coupled with the previously detailed Color Plate catalog information, the products represented in the catalog will help establish a very good estimate of a catalog's year of issue.
Other Related Color Plate Catalog Pictures:
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