
CP Products

 CPC/Avon Ariel Perfume - 1931
Ariel Perfume
(One ounce bottle)
OSP (in 1930): ..... $2.50

 CPC/Avon Ariel Perfume and Perfume Falconette - 1933
Ariel Perfume Flaconette (L) and Ariel Perfume (R)
(Flaconette bottle (L) and one ounce bottle (R))
OSP (in 1933):
Flaconette: ..... $1.25
 One ounce bottle: ..... $2.50

  CPC/Avon Ariel Perfume -1933
Ariel Perfume
(One half ounce bottle)
Note: Bottle came in Little Folks and
Handkerchief sets.

Ariel Perfume - 1932
Ariel Toilet Water

(Two ounce bottle)
OSP (in 1933): ..... $1.75

 CPC/Avon Ariel Powder Sachet - 1933
Ariel Powder Sachet
OSP (in 1933): ..... 75¢

CPC/Avon Ariel Threesome Set - 1933
Ariel Threesome Set
Set contains: One Avon fan compact, one regular box of Avon face powder,
and one Flaconette of Ariel perfume
OSP (in 1933): ..... $3.12

 CPC/Avon Ariel Twosome Set - 1931
Ariel Set No. 2

Set contains: One Avon fan compact, and
one regular box of Avon face powder
OSP (in 1933): ..... $1.72

 Atomizer Set 6A - 1932
Atomizer Set 6A
Set contains: One Avon Atomizer and one ounce bottle of Ariel perfume
OSP (in 1932): ..... $2.75

Footnotes:   OSP: Original Selling Price

CP Products