David H. McConnell, Jr.

CP Officials

David H. McConnell, Jr. Portrait - 1939
David Hall McConnell, Jr.

Father, then son. So runs the history of Avon's presidents. Never any name but McConnell has been recognized for this highest office in Avon Products. Following the founder comes his son who grew up so close to the heart of the work that he assumed the president's duties when a very young man. 

As a very small boy D. H. McConnell, Jr., knew the factory and office of Avon Products. He dropped in at the factory after school, interested in what went on there, and soon finding work to do. A few years later, during his High School vacation days, he took the early train to New York with his father and worked in the mailing and billing departments at the Avon offices. He learned the work of the various departments by actually working in them - by facing problems and solving them.

Knowing the business as he did when he graduated from college in 1923, he was ready to become his father's executive assistant. He worked with his father for a period of years, again learning every angle of the business from the executive viewpoint. Then for years before his death in January, 1937, Mr. McConnell, Sr. had the pleasure of seeing his son in the position of Executive Vice-President, actually carrying on the full duties of president of the company. 

Representatives have come to know our president through his interest in outstanding sales work, and his letters to them concerning their progress with Avon Products. 

Note: Picture and Excerpt from AVON OUTLOOK, C. July 11th TO July 31ST, 1939)

David H. McConnell, Jr. in a Meeting - 1938
The Meeting

After many months of work on the new Christmas Gift Sets - deciding what they should contain and how they should be packaged - the executives at Avon Products view the finished sets. On the left is D. H. McConnell, Jr., President; at the front, 1. A. Ewald, General Manager; at center right, Henry L. Bachler, General Sales Manager, and Russell Rooks, National City Sales Manager. 


David H. McConnell, Jr. Portrait - 1940
David Hall McConnell, Jr.

David H. McConnell, Jr. on the Beach - 1943
David Hall McConnell, Jr.

David H. McConnell, Jr. Standing in Park - 1944
David Hall McConnell, Jr. in Rye, NY
~21 July 1944

David H. McConnell, Jr. Portrait - 1943
David Hall McConnell, Jr.

Note: Pictures used by permission of the Hagley Museum and Library

CP Officials