CPC Display Awarded Most Educational!
Collector's Corner | Meet the Author

Rusty and Cindy in Front of Their Award-Winning CPC Display, August 2008
The above picture represents a true "Red Letter" day for the Mills: winning the "Most Educational" Exhibit honors at the Federation of Historic Bottle Collectors' annual Expo, held in York, PA on 7-10 August, 2008.
The Federation of Historic Bottle Collectors is a national organization with a truly international reach—I say that by virtue of the fact that the display set up next to ours featured Antique Pot Lids and was brought all the way from sunny Australia. Also at the York Expo were at least two sales tables that were owned and operated by folks from England. And I know that Cindy and I met many folks from around the country...some from as near to us as Frederick, MD and some from as far away as Los Angeles, CA. I would have to venture a guess from the attendance that I saw at the Expo that all of our 50 great American states were well represented at this gala event!
This Expo was our first attempt at any kind of actual California Perfume Company display outside of our home! So, to say that Cindy and I were very honored to win any type of award, especially the "Most Educational" Exhibit, is an understatement! By the by, that award (the Most Educational Exhibit) is what we were seriously hoping to win from the moment we started planning to attend this show.
Please allow me to share the following photos from the more-than-26 linear feet of the California Perfume Company display: