Dental Products

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Note: Tooth paste was first sold by the California Perfume Company in approximately 1893 to 1895; however, the 1896 catalog, along with the earliest representative order forms (from approximately 1895 to 1897), only annotate tooth tablets in inventory..

Dental Cream - 1912
Dental Cream
OSP (in 1913): ..... 25¢ 

Dental Cream - 1920
Dental Cream
OSP (in 1920): ..... 30¢ 

Dental Cream - 1924
Dental Cream
OSP (in 1923): ..... 23¢ 

Dental Cream - 1932
Dental Cream
OSP (in 1931): ..... 25¢ 

Dental Cream No. 2 - 1933
Dental Cream No. 2
OSP (in 1931): ..... 40¢ 

Tooth Paste - 1938
Tooth Paste
OSP (in 1938): ..... 23¢ 

Sen-Den_tal Tooth Paste - 1920
Sen Den Tal

OSP (in 1926): ..... 47¢ 

Sen-Den-Tal Tooth Paste - 1933
Sen Den Tal

OSP (in 1931): ..... 40¢ 

Sen-Den_tal Tooth Paste from Jack and Jill Jungle Jinks Set - 1926
Sen Den Tal
Note: Item within the Jack and Jill Jungle Jinks set

Antiseptic - 1932
(Six ounce bottle shown)
OSP (in 1936): ..... 33¢ 

Avon Antiseptic - 1938

(Six ounce bottle shown)
OSP (in 1939): ..... 36¢ 

Gift Tooth Brush Holder - 1912 
Aluminum Tooth Brush Holder
Given free with each order of CPC Dental Cream (25¢) during the month of November, 1912

Avon Tooth Brush - 1930 
Avon Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1929): ..... 50¢ 

Imported Tooth Brush in Jack and Jill Jungle Jinks Set - 1926
Imported Tooth Brush
Note: Item within the Jack and Jill Jungle Jinks set

Avon Tooth Brushes - 1933
Avon Tooth Brushes
OSP (in 1932):
Adult-sized ..... 50¢ 
Youth-sized ..... 35¢

Avon Tooth Brushes - 1938
Avon Tooth Brushes
OSP (in 1939):
Adult-sized ..... 50¢ 
Youth-sized ..... 35¢

Gift Set Number 12 - 1932
Gift Set No. 12
Set contains: One tube of Dental Cream No. 2, one bottle
of Antiseptic, and an adult-sized Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1934): ..... $1.20 
Gift Set No. 15 - 1934
Gift Set No. 15
Set contains: One tube of Dental Cream, one bottle
of Antiseptic, and a youth-sized Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1934): ..... 90¢

  Gift Set Number 19 - 1932
Gift Set No. 19
Set contains: One tube of Tooth Paste, one tube of Hair
Dress, and a youth-sized Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1934): ..... $1.90 

Headliner For Boys - 1939
Headliners For Boys
Set contains: One tube of Tooth Paste, one tube of Hair
Dress, and a youth-sized Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1939): ..... $1.10  
Smoker's Trio Set - 1939
Smoker's Trio
Set contains: One tin of Smoker's Tooth Powder, one bottle of Antiseptic, |and an adult-sized Tooth Brush
OSP (in 1939): ..... $1.39  

Footnotes:   OSP: Original Selling Price

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