CP Trademarks

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Eureka Trademark - 1898
Eureka Trademark

Eureka Trademark: The first known instances of this trademark's use occur in the very late 1890's as depicted in the California Perfume Company sales catalogs of 1898 and 1899: most of the hand drawn illustrations of products within these two catalogs portray the new trademark on their labels.  Also, the Eureka trademark is prominently displayed on the outer rear cover of the 1899 catalog, Conversely, the 1897 sales catalog bears no evidence of the Eureka trademark's use on any of the products' labels or in/on the catalog itself. Lastly, the earliest products discovered thus far bearing the California Perfume Company name do not have the Eureka trademark on the label. 


CP Chain Trademark - 1908
CP Chain Trademark - The Sign of Quality
NOTE: This trademark has not been found on the labels or packaging of any California Perfume Company products.

CP Trademark - 1908
CP Trademark - Eureka Follow-on
NOTE: This trademark has not been found on the labels or packaging of any California Perfume Company products.

CPC Diamond Trademark - 1912
CPC Diamond Trademark
NOTE: This trademark is very rare; observed primarily on Flavoring Extracts of that period.

CPC Chain Trademark - 1910
CPC Chain Trademark


CPC Wreath Trademark - 1922
CPC Wreath Trademark


The First Avon Trademark - 1928
Avon Trademark


"Cottage A" Avon Trademark - 1929
Avon Trademark - "Cottage A"


"Tulip A" Avon Trademark - 1937
Avon Trademark - "Tulip A"


C P Co. Logo - 1930s
CPCo. Logo - Special Logo

The "CPCo" logo was used on a variety china/ceramic Representative Awards created and presented in the 1930's. The awards included at least three plates (one depicting a moose and two depicting two deer), gravy boats, and bowls. Please see the Representative Award Section.

50th Anniversary Emblem - 1936
50th Anniversary - Special Emblem

The 50th Anniversary emblem was found in the beginning of the 1936 catalog, as a special representative gift, and as a colorful representative lapel pin. This emblem was not placed on any of the CPC/Avon products or packages.

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