The Avon Name

CP Company

The First Avon Logo - 1928

Tree and Landscape in the Ramapo hills

   Far away and long ago in merry England a little-known but now-famous nook near the forest of Arden, looked away to misty hills and meadows from its hedgerows pink and white with hawthorn bloom. 

   Cool whispers of the wind in the willows, sweet scents of nodding bluebells and banks of fragrant thyme - a thousand intimate glimpses of this English Arcady are immortalized by Shakespeare who was cradled in the midst of its beauty. 

   Full four centuries later dawn breaks in a little new world village on much the same scene as that which inspired the illustrious bard. Like Stratford-on-Avon, with its straggly clumps and briery hollows, its hills and meadows studded with blossoming orchard, girded with heavenly spring - Suffern-on-the-Ramapo paints a picture of perennial peace in our Eastern countryside. 

   Small wonder then that a certain famed perfumer - looking out over the Ramapo hills was impressed by its striking resemblance to the Stratford-on-Avon countryside! Small wonder that he was inspired - perfumers can be poets, too - to link sentiment with his scents - scents as rare as an English April - and call them AVON.

Landscape in the Ramapo hills

Excerpt and Artwork above from 1930 Color Plate Catalog

CP Company